AXL Seguros

AXL Seguros


Case study

Ideation of a new experience in an All In One app for Axl Seguros.



March 2023


July 2023




Yann Carlos


AXL currently has 8 different applications for each of its different services.

In this way, the experience, especially for customers who have more than one service contracted, becomes a tedious and burdensome task, as users need to download several different applications to manage their insurance and other related services, such as claims or service updates.


Consolidate the largest number of features that are currently spread across different applications into one application where the user can manage their policies, invoices, emergencies, troubleshooting/questions, and documentation, as well as purchase new services, all in one place.


Double Diamond

Kick off

To begin, I started to familiarize myself better with the subject and the market that AXL is part of. I looked for points such as: Audience, Age groups, the most recent growth data, and the main problems that users face.

A large part of the Brazilian population does not have any kind of insurance.

A large part of the Brazilian population does not have any kind of insurance.

The most sought-after types of insurance in Brazil were: Life, Auto, Funeral, Real Estate, and Travel.

The most sought-after types of insurance in Brazil were: Life, Auto, Funeral, Real Estate, and Travel.

The market has been growing since the Covid-19 pandemic due to uncertainties.

The market has been growing since the Covid-19 pandemic due to uncertainties.

An increasingly competitive market with national and foreign insurers

An increasingly competitive market with national and foreign insurers

Structuring Insights and Competitor Analysis for Strategic Alignment

Starting this project, I organized a user-centred canvas to highlight and structure important information.

Next, I analyzed 5 competitors of AXL, including both national and global, direct and indirect competitors, thus allowing for the identification of how other players are behaving and positioned, as well as verifying positive and negative points.

This process is also important to gain insights into positive points right at the beginning of the project.

Collected insights

Ensure that the navigation is intuitive, the design is attractive, and the functionalities are easily accessible

Ensure that the navigation is intuitive, the design is attractive, and the functionalities are easily accessible

Ensure that the navigation is intuitive, the design is attractive, and the functionalities are easily accessible

That the user can solve as many of their needs as possible through the app

That the user can solve as many of their needs as possible through the app

That the user can solve as many of their needs as possible through the app

To offer a comprehensive range of insurance products/services to meet the different needs of users.

To offer a comprehensive range of insurance products/services to meet the different needs of users.

To offer a comprehensive range of insurance products/services to meet the different needs of users.

Facilitate the quoting process.

Facilitate the quoting process.

Facilitate the quoting process.

Allow users to customize their insurance plans according to their specific needs.

Allow users to customize their insurance plans according to their specific needs.

Allow users to customize their insurance plans according to their specific needs.

Include support/emergency resources.

Include support/emergency resources.

Include support/emergency resources.

Understanding users

To deeply understand users' needs, I implemented a three-phase research approach:

1. Online survey

2. In-depth interviews (in-person and online)

3. Usability testing for practical evaluation of the interface

This methodology allowed me to identify pain points and opportunities, underpinning the development of user-centered solutions.

User research results

Car insurance is the most common type

Car insurance is the most common type

Car insurance is the most common type

Usability test results showed that users had difficulty in navigation and interpreting information, since the current app uses terms that can be very technical for the average user.

Usability test results showed that users had difficulty in navigation and interpreting information, since the current app uses terms that can be very technical for the average user.

Usability test results showed that users had difficulty in navigation and interpreting information, since the current app uses terms that can be very technical for the average user.

Most common communication with insurance companies: phone, email, chat, WhatsApp

Most common communication with insurance companies: phone, email, chat, WhatsApp

Most common communication with insurance companies: phone, email, chat, WhatsApp

Most have never used an insurance app, but see potential benefits.

Most have never used an insurance app, but see potential benefits.

Most have never used an insurance app, but see potential benefits.

Most desired functionalities

Real-time assistance

Interaction with consultants

Bill payment

Insurance customization

User expectations

Multiple functions

Clear and transparent information

Consistent customer service

Ease of use

How could we synthesize and structure the information so far?

The research identified three main personas among the users, including:

-Young people who have recently entered the job market and seek to protect themselves (Health/Travel) and lower-value assets (First car)

-Established individuals who seek to protect themselves and their families, as well as their already acquired high-value assets such as real estate.

-Elderly individuals for whom the priority is ensuring they will have support for health-related issues

To deepen the analysis and generate additional insights, an exercise "How Might We" was conducted based on the main touchpoints with the users.

Furthermore, the "Jobs to be Done" methodology was incorporated into the process, providing a solid structure for developing solutions and enabling the creation of scenarios and journeys that enhance the generation of insights and opportunities.

Strategic Prioritization and Navigation Definition for Product Alignment

I used the MoSCoW technique to prioritize the functionalities and features that the product will or will not have.

This approach was fundamental in aligning the team's expectations and ensuring that the most critical resources were prioritized, guaranteeing that the project meets the essential needs of users within the established deadlines.

Next, I developed the product's information architecture through a "User Flow", establishing the entire navigation structure.

Creative Exploration and Feature Validation for Product Optimization

I conducted a Crazy 8's exercise with two participants to generate ideas quickly and explore new features for the application, expanding the possibilities that could have been overlooked.

After the exercise, the participants carried out a dot voting to select the best solutions.

Additionally, I conducted usability tests on wireframes to evaluate user interaction with the proposals. This allowed us to identify and eliminate features that did not meet expectations, ensuring that only the most effective characteristics were integrated into the final project.

Collected insights

Users had problems accessing the profile screen and as a result, in the final design, this option will be moved to the navigation bar.

Users had problems accessing the profile screen and as a result, in the final design, this option will be moved to the navigation bar.

Users had problems accessing the profile screen and as a result, in the final design, this option will be moved to the navigation bar.

Users faced some issues on the "24h Service" screen, this screen will be simplified in the final design.

Users faced some issues on the "24h Service" screen, this screen will be simplified in the final design.

Users faced some issues on the "24h Service" screen, this screen will be simplified in the final design.

Users were confused on the insurance activation screen and this screen will undergo modifications in the final design.

Users were confused on the insurance activation screen and this screen will undergo modifications in the final design.

Users were confused on the insurance activation screen and this screen will undergo modifications in the final design.

Issues with missclick on the "Hire new insurance" screen that will be reviewed in the final design

Issues with missclick on the "Hire new insurance" screen that will be reviewed in the final design

Issues with missclick on the "Hire new insurance" screen that will be reviewed in the final design

In retrospect

The initial problem involving the need for several different applications to manage insurance has been resolved.

Furthermore, along the way, other features were implemented based on pain points and opportunities I found while generating insights for additional functions that users would like to see integrated into the final project.

What I learned


It was a long project with many processes that helped develop the discipline, being a great challenge to stay focused and not skip steps; at the end of the project, it was possible to understand the reason for following the entire journey.


The organization and documentation were essential to reach the end, being able to access all the information from the processes and research.


Understanding the market and especially the users directly was crucial to arriving at the solutions, and having this experience and learning was extremely enriching not only for the product but also for me as a designer.

Balance between the user and the business:

Learning to reconcile the needs of users with the demands of the business was one of the biggest lessons of this project. Through research and testing, I was able to identify the features that would best meet the expectations of users, without compromising the company's growth objectives.





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Designed & Dev by: Yann Carlos



Designed & Dev by: Yann Carlos



Designed & Dev by: Yann Carlos


